

The “DDR-Restaurant Domklause” closes

20 Mar 2015 by Admin
Some decisions are difficult, above all the necessary ones. Since 2010 we have attended to the idea of a “DDR-Restaurant” and now we have to confess, that the running of a restaurant requires too much capacities. The preservation and the imparting of history are our core tasks as a museum. All other projects have to subordinate themselves to this goal.
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Ligato – Play history in the DDR Museum

28 Jan 2015 by Michael Geithner
As Lothar Schubert in December 1984 wrote the rules of a new game, he didn’t guess yet, that his work would be published first 30 years later. Now everybody can play it on his smartphone or in the DDR Museum.
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The year 2014

7 Jan 2015 by Melanie Alperstaedt
My first working day started with good news: The DDR Museum, and so all of us, beat the attendance record of 2013! 10.000 more people were in the exhibition, but, the year was beyond that really eventfully!
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The game „Twilight Struggle“

4 Sep 2014 by Michael Geithner
The Cold War functioned yet as a model for numerous games, which addressed the struggle of East and West and the danger in the form of the atomic bomb. Because of that we present two games with the same title, one of them you can find in the DDR Museum.
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Simson KR 51/1 “Schwalbe” (“Swallow”)

17 Dec 2013 by Sören Marotz
Now he is finally here, our Simson KR (KleinRoller=small scooter) 51/1 “Schwalbe” (“Swallow”), Year 1979. Actually he is a “she”: the “Schwalbe” (“Swallow”), because nobody used the designation Simson KR 51/1. For a long time she stands with a structurally identical sister in our museum depot in order to make her way in the exhibition in the Christmas season.
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Step by step…

10 Sep 2010 by Admin
...we are getting closer to the opening of the new exhibition and restaurant space.
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My favorite Exhibit

26 May 2009 by Melanie Alperstaedt
I like the exhibition very much, because it is so entertaining and interactive. In each corner, you can do something: Sit down in a Trabi, open a closet or trying on some cloth.
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