

Popular Music in the GDR - Between Repression and Liberalisation

30 Nov 2023 by Charlotte Lenger
Although the SED repeatedly tried to prevent the influence of Western music culture in the GDR, there were hardly any limits to the creativity of young people. In this blog post, we delve into the tense relationship between the state and youth.
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From the collection

10 popular records for a Christmas in the GDR

14 Dec 2022 by Alexandra de León
As soon as winter arrives, the Christmas season is never too far away. To get you in the Christmas spirit, we've picked out 10 Christmas records from our collection that were popular to listen to in the GDR.
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History of Music

Wittstock instead of Woodstock - Blues in the DDR

24 Apr 2018 by Sören Marotz
They call themselves Kunden (“customers”), Trampers (“hitchhikers”), or Bluesers (“bluesmen”), wear long hair and beards, Jesus sandals, jeans and parkas. On the weekends they are always on the move, celebrating their dropping out of society in remote village halls, occupy the carnival festivities in Thuringia’s Wasungen, and pass along bottles of red wine during Eastberlin’s blues fairs.
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The asylum of Tamara in paradise – the rock group Silly

18 Sep 2014 by Sören Marotz
Ok, Silly had ever since the middle of the 1980ies arrived in the upper league of the GDR rock music with the Amiga album “Bataillon d’Amour” (1986), but there they weren’t the only ones. Unique though was their sound, which differentiated for the first time from the mainstream in the GDR. The drawers were too small for them. At least since Werner Karma assumed the overall control, the writing, it was clear, that here wouldn’t sung about dying swans, but rather the trouble’s brewing of dying cities, how he framed it.
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