

Collecting with a system: How do objects get into a collection?

26 Oct 2016 by Admin
A museum has five main tasks: Teaching/communicating, Exhibiting, Researching, Collecting and Preserving. At the DDR Museum, the last two tasks are taken care of by the collection department. Collecting therefore also means to reasonably enlarge the inventory and to add new objects to the museum's collection. The following blog text will tell you more about how this exactly works.
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The DDR Museum is number 36 among the most popular sights in Germany

12 Oct 2016 by Admin
Every year, the DTZ (German National Tourist Board) is asking international visitors to name their favourite places in Germany. In 2016, the 40,000 participants of the survey voted the DDR Museum on number 36. We would like to thank everyone who gave us their voice for this great ranking!
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10 years of a hands-on experience of history!

20 Jul 2016 by Admin
Last Thursday, the 14th of July in 2016, the DDR Museum celebrated its 10th birthday. Many friends, partners and of course all staff members reveled the special event at the river front and lifted their glasses to the successes of the past and the exciting projects for the future of our institution.
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Big objects in front of the lens

15 Jun 2016 by Admin
The collection department of the DDR Museum now owns a modern set for photographing big objects.
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Behind the Scenes

Not only work for the curators: How do I plan an exhibition?

1 Jun 2016 by Admin
To design an exhibition in a museum is a highly complex process. Many different staff members are involved – the maintenance man, colleagues who are working at the cashier's desk, as well as the curators. The DDR Museum is currently working on a new part of its permanent exhibition – find out more about it here. In the following text I would like to give you a little insight into what it takes to plan a new exhibition!
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Behind the scenes

An eye on the detail – The daily preparations for the day at the museum

10 Feb 2016 by Admin
The doors of the DDR Museum are opened every day at 10am sharp for our visitors. But before the museum officially greets its guests, a number of diligent colleagues have already been at work for some time in order to prepare the exhibition for the numerous visitors. One of them is our colleague who throws a scrutinizing eye on every corner and every single exhibition element each morning.
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From subject to museum object – how an item becomes part of the collection

28 Oct 2015 by Admin
One of the core tasks of a museum is the care and enlargement of its collection along a specific collection concept. At the DDR Museum this happens to a large part by accepting donations from the public. Visitors can either deliver their donations directly at the entrance area of our museum or contact one of the members of the collection department. This procedure enables our staff to decide whether the specific object fits the collection concept and will represent a meaningful addition to the collection.
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Kooperation with the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History

21 Oct 2015 by Admin
Last week the DDR Museum has been on tour on behalf of an international cooperation. Where to, why and what kind of interesting experiences have been made you will read in today's blog!
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Behind the scenes

What you always wanted to know about the DDR Museum …

12 Aug 2015 by Admin
Today we will answer five interesting questions about the DDR Museum so you can get to know our institution a little better!
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Behind the scenes

And Action – Camera rolling! Film shooting at the museum depot

29 Jul 2015 by Admin
How revealing was the German Democratic Republic? Were East-Germans more advanced in arithmetics than people living in Western Germany? Even after a visit to a museum the one or other question might be left unanswered and current political developments and events might provoke interesting discussions as well.
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