
The Team

Interview »10 questions to...« Maximilian Schönbeck, apprentice at DDR Museum

20 Jun 2019 by Nic Mattick
Maximilian has been part of the team at DDR Museum since January. He undergoes a two and a half year apprenticeship in the field of leisure and tourism with the focus on visitors relations. We asked Max a few questions.
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From the Museum

An Intern's introduction and report on her Internship

26 Nov 2018 by Praktikant
My Name is Brianna Selph. I'm from the USA, love German culture and, since September, an at the DDR Museum.
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My favorite Exhibit

26 May 2009 by Melanie Alperstaedt
I like the exhibition very much, because it is so entertaining and interactive. In each corner, you can do something: Sit down in a Trabi, open a closet or trying on some cloth.
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