Do you actually know our quiz for students? Whether during a group visit as additional task or complementary after a guided tour – the questionnaire is the ideal companion for visiting the exhibition with your students.
There are two different difficulty levels: The difficulty level 1 is suited above all for students younger than sixteen or students with less prior knowledge. But it can also be used by students, who want to improve their knowledge of foreign languages, because the used language is low-key.
The difficulty level 2 is suitable for students sixteen years or older, who have available prior knowledge.
Who wants to prepare the visit of the museum ideal, can download the questionnaire beforehand on our information page for teachers and educators here. Nevertheless you cannot find any solution there so nobody can peek. You‘re welcome to request the solutions directly here at .
Of course you don’t have to print numerous copies before your visit – you get a set for you class directly at the counter of the museum!
We offer the quizzes in German, English and French. Besides that all Italian students and educators are able to look forward: We work on an Italian version!
(Translation: Valerie Holbein)