

What we wanted – what we are: Stephan Hilsberg speaks at the DDR Museum.

9 Jun 2017 by Praktikant
The DDR Museum welcomes Stephan Hilsberg and Dr. Christian Booß for a discussion on the turbulent final months of the DDR.
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GDR and no ending? Discussion with Jens Schöne and Stefan Wolle

19 Aug 2015 by Melanie Alperstaedt
Yesterday evening our guest was historian Jens Schöne, who just published his newest work „Die DDR. Eine Geschichte des Arbeiter- und Bauernstaates“ ("The GDR. A history of the state of workers and peasants") at the Berlin Story publishing company, which offers an overall view of the GDR era. The book is also available in English („The GDR“), which unfortunately is still a rare fact considering the existing literature about the GDR. The book is very popular in our museum store, especially the English version is highly demanded by our interested international visitors.
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