
Events organised by the DDR Museum

We organise regular events in the DDR Museum's conference room. Focusing on a range of themes relating to life in East Germany, they include readings, concerts and panel discussions.

If you are interested in organising an event in cooperation with the DDR Museum, please contact our head of research Dr. Stefan Wolle:

Registration is possible at

You can browse through past events in our event archive.

Participation is free of charge.

Are you looking for an event location?

The DDR Museum provides rooms in the historic centre of Berlin.


Conference Room DDR Museum
Sankt Wolfgang-Str. 2
10178 Berlin

Here you can see the location.

The events will take place in German.

Music programme »Love between East and West«

Musical-literary programme to mark the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
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Picture lecture »The Berlin Cathedral«

A building in the heart of the city.
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