
Together is always better than alone. This page shows a range of our previous national and international co-operative projects.

Leaders in their respective fields, our experts are also open to new ideas. We look forward to hearing from you.

We look forward to receiving your call or e-mail with a callback number.

Sören Marotz

Head of Exhibition

T: +49 30 847 123 7-36
F: +49 30 847 123 7-39

Contact Collection

T: +49 30 - 847 123 7 - 35

Collaboration with the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, 2016-2018

The DDR Museum is an official partner of the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin.

Special exhibition in the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History Seoul, 2015

Working with the support of the DDR Museum, the Korean National Museum opened a special exhibition in October 2015 under the title »Implications of German Reunification for Korean Unification«. The exhibition sought to use the 70th anniversary of Korean independence and the 25th anniversary of German reunification to strengthen links between Germany and Korea.

The DDR Museum supported the project in an advisory role and with loaned exhibits.


The online exhibition »Wendejahre« in co-operation with Google, 2012

Working together with the Google Cultural Institute, the DDR Museum launched its online exhibition »Wendejahre« on 8 November 2012 to mark the 23rd anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. The fictitious diary of the author Uwe Neuman tells the story of the events surrounding the fall of the Wall, the transition to democracy and reunification from the perspective or an ordinary East German.