Little Brother, big brother – The GDR and the Soviet Union

Without the Soviet Union and its victory over Hitler's Germany, there would have been no GDR. But how much room for manoeuvre did the SED leadership have vis-à-vis Moscow, and how strong was the dependence on Soviet gas and oil? What role did encounters with people, books and films from the multi-ethnic Soviet Union play? Didn't the USSR also provide impulses for the GDR – in space travel, in sport and, since 1985, in the politics of perestroika? All of these questions are addressed in the special exhibition, which was developed jointly by the Museum Berlin-Karlshorst and the DDR Museum.  


Sören Marotz

Exhibition Director DDR Museum, Berlin


Dr. Jörg Morré 

Director Museum Berlin-Karlshorst, Berlin 

Brauner Koffer

Wed, 25 October 6 pm

Konferenzraum DDR Museum
Sankt Wolfgang-Str. 2
10178 Berlin

Here you can see the location.

The event will take place in German.

The event will be recorded and made available on the DDR Museum YouTube channel. Click here to view past events.