Berlin, 11 December 2024 - After more than 18 years, we are bidding farewell to our esteemed scientific director, Dr Stefan Wolle. Since the beginning and foundation of the museum, Stefan Wolle has contributed significantly to the success of the museum through his commitment and expertise.
The museum is the only one in the capital to show life and growing up in the GDR in all its facets. Visitors can immerse themselves in a lively piece of everyday GDR culture and are picked up from there: How does it feel to be bugged? Is a Plattenbau living room cosy and what is it like to sit behind the wheel of a Trabi? The DDR Museum offers themed tours, workshops, events and other programmes, in the conception of which Stefan Wolle played a significant role. His authorship is not the only reason why numerous publications on the topic of the GDR have been published by the museum's own DDR Museum Verlag. For almost two decades now, the historian Stefan Wolle has been actively involved in our museum, our collection and also in the explanatory format ‘Ask Dr Wolle’ for more than 10 million visitors.
Stefan Wolle will continue to work for the DDR Museum in an advisory capacity.
From January 2025, the historian and publicist Dr Ilko Sascha Kowalczuk will support the DDR Museum in scientific matters.
For interview requests, please contact Simone Uthleb, press officer of the DDR Museum, at (030) 847 123 747 or